I am so very sorry for the completely politically incorrect title, but it seemed to fit perfectly for me.
But how has your week
been going? Hopefully it has been good. Mine has been going well too. So today
I am going to inform you all on what you should bring to college. I am a
notorious over packer and I am pretty sure that the girls on my floor can back
that up. Whenever anyone needs anything they always come to me because most
often than not, I have exactly what they are looking for, and I probably have
it in about 6 different colors. But there are some things that I have
discovered that I need and some things that I have yet to touch at my time here
at SMC.
Things to Bring!
1: School Supplies. This is a must! Before you go to
college, stock up on school supplies. I came to SMC with literally buckets and
buckets of schools supplies. I am like a mobile Staples or wherever you may buy
that stuff from. But seriously. One of the girls on my floor forgot notebooks
so she went to a local convenience store to buy some. $12 a notebook. LIKE ARE
YOU KIDDING ME?! If that is not a rip off then I really do not know what is. So
stock up on those things.
2: A fan (or 2): DO IT. I swear to you that you will thank
me later. My fan has been my savior. The first couple weeks it is so freaking
hot on campus, I cannot even begin to tell you. I mean, I am all for summer and
warm weather, but it got so hot in my room to the point where I was contemplating
about sleeping outside. That is how hot it was inside. Also to add to this, a
lot of shorts and t-shirts are a must.
3: Extension Cords: just bring them. They help with
4: Command Hooks, double sided tape and duct tape: all the
best things to hang posters or decorate different parts of your room. The walls
here are cinder blocks therefore you cannot nail or tack anything into them.
These all work super well.
5: Shower Caddy and Shower Shoes: It’s just so much easier
when you are walking to the shower just to have all of your stuff in one place
instead of holding 6 bottles of stuff in your hand. Also, shower shoes are a
must. The bathrooms here are pretty clean, but you just never know. Better safe
than sorry!
(Flip flops are the best shoes to wear in the shower. I brought one pair that I use just in the shower)
6: A Brita Filter/ any water filter: I was the girl that
would never drink tap water. I just wouldn’t. I didn’t really enjoy the taste
of it. So at home I would either drink water from the fridge or a water bottle.
I would recommend getting one for school because it just gives you that nice
fresh tasting water. (I am in no way saying that the water is bad here, I am
just saying that I prefer filtered water. I actually do not own a water filter
now, but I will be purchasing one soon.)

(A lovely Brita filter. Trust me, it is a good investment.)
Things you don’t really need.
1: A TV: if you are like me, you like TV. I am a legitimate
TV-aholic. So if I were to have a TV in my room, I would be watching it 24/7
and not do anything else. So I did not bring a TV. Also, chances are, someone
on your floor is bound to have a TV. Become friends with them and plan TV
nights to watch your favorite shows. Also, most common rooms in the freshman
dorms have TVs where you can watch movies or just TV shows.
2: An iron: I mean, let’s be real. By a show of hands (that
I cannot see) how many of you actually iron your clothes? I know that my hand
was not raised for that question. Chances are that if you really need something
ironed, someone will have an iron and an ironing board for you to use.
3: All of your winter clothes: Just please, please, please don't bring up your massive winter jacket when you first move in. It takes up wayyyyyyyyy too much space that you could be using for much other things. Instead, bring up a rain jacket and a fleece. (I am in love with my North Face fleece and wear the heck out of it.) Those, plus sweatshirts, should get you through until October break or Thanksgiving.
(If you are anything like me, this is what your winter gear consists of. That all takes up WAY too much space, so don't bring it up just yet.)
What am I listening to????
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