Hi all! This week has literally been insane. So I would inform you about everything that has been going on at this lovely place that I call home, well, not everything, just the interesting things.
On Wednesday I got the opportunity to go on a little field trip of sorts. For my first year seminar we went to see How I Learned to Drive by Paula Vogel at UVM. That is one of the reasons why I love SMC. Here, your teachers make the effort to take you outside of the classroom to experience things that have to do with stuff that you are learning. I enjoy that. Before the play, I went to dinner at my good friend Kate's house in South Burlington. Her family was super nice and welcoming and made a delicious dinner! It was nice to have a home cooked meal and I am thankful that they invited me over.
(the view of the back drop from our seats!)
Throughout the week I had rugby. I can honestly say that I am in love with the sport. It is so much fun to play and to watch. Yesterday, we had our first away game. How exciting is that?! We traveled the 5 hours on a bus to get to Bryant in Rhode Island. While the bus ride was long, it was a fun one. For the first couple of hours, everyone was asleep. And when I say asleep, I mean a massive natural disaster could not even wake us up. When we got closer to Bryant, the upperclassmen started playing pump up music and we were all getting ready, dancing and singing. I got to see my family and meet a lot of people's family as well. Our fan section was much bigger than Bryant's and WE were the traveling team. Our A side won and it was a fantastic game! Next the B side was up to play (the side I am on) and we were all pretty nervous but we knew what we had to do. We went out there and kicked some major butt! We also won! It was a fantastic experience and I cannot wait until next week!
(4 of the girls from my hallway also play rugby!)
(Prop hand shake)

(our sleeping team.)
That is about it for my week, or at least the stuff I can actually remember. HAHA. I promise there will be more to come about this wonderful place. Don't worry, I will keep you updated on everything!
Love and lots of sleep,
^^What am I listening to?^^