Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Second Day of Classes!

    Like the title says, today was the second day of classes for the spring 2013 semester. Today was much more hectic than the first, but it was still a good one. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have the bulk of my schedule, 3 classes, in a row, from 9:45 until 2:50, no breaks. Kinda nuts right? Yeah, I mean, it sort of is, but after today, it didn't really seem that bad. I woke up around 7:45 this morning. I am not really sure as to why, but I did. I did my normal morning routine for getting ready then headed out the door at around 9 to go grab some breakfast in Alliot. After breakfast I scurried off with Candice to our Financial Accounting class. It seems very interesting and our professor seems super nice. The class also seems to have a good mix of people which I always like because you can here many different viewpoints. It seems pretty intensive work wise but I feel I can keep up with it.
     My second class of the day was Catholic Christianity. I am basically only taking this course because it is required, but what I gathered from today is that it seems some what interesting, hopefully I will keep thinking that by the time the end of the semester rolls around! But it is also nice that I know a few people in the class and two other girls on my floor are also in the class, Candice and Lexi, so I always have someone to go to if I need to ask a quick question.
     Lastly I had the class that I was most excited for, Media Revolutions. Let me just say that I am still so excited for this class. I have Professor Griffith and she seems so cool and like she really knows what she is talking about. I am interested to see if this class influences my decision to switch my major from business to Media Studies. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
     Well I guess that is it for now! Off to do a boatload of homework!
Love and Second Day of Classes,

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