This is just going to be a quick little post for your Friday afternoon viewing pleasure.
It is almost surreal that I am currently sitting in my bed at home. It seems like this semester has literally flown by. And I know that I say that at the end of every semester, but I actually mean it this time. Maybe its because I know that I will be hopping on a plane in 17 days to start a totally new adventure, but who knows. This semester has been my favorite by far. Yes, my classes were challenging. Yes, it had its points when I literally just wanted to give up and sleep forever. But it also had its moments of being amazing. I was given the opportunity to live with my best friends in an amazing suite. I was able to take classes that challenged me, but also kept me engaged and taught me that I was capable of any thing. I was given many opportunities in my professional life, for which I am utterly grateful. This semester had just been amazing. I am going to miss SMC so much when I am in London. I am going to miss everything about it. From the chicken patties on Friday nights, to the squirrels running around to the church bells going off at totally random times (but loving every minute of it). I am just going to miss SMC. I never thought that I would say that I miss school, but I will, and I do. Thanks SMC for being amazing. Can't wait to see ya again in the fall.
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PS- I know that you guys know how much I love summer camp. Here is an awesome new website that is aimed to bring camp people together. Whether you have been to camp yourself, know someone that goes to camp, or even if you just think that camp sounds pretty interesting, I highly encourage you check it out! Its A Camp Thing (HERE)
I love to blog. It is by far one of my favorite things. I can promise you though, I was not always like this. I never used to like to tell people what I thought or even talk to people in general. I was always shy growing up and never really voiced my opinion. When I was accepted to SMC, I was given the opportunity to "try out" for a blogger position. After a few months of blogging, I was chosen to do it! I was so excited and that excitement is still with me today every time I post something new. Over the past.....3, that's a long time, I have learned a lot of things through blogging.
ONE// Blogging has taught me that every skill you learn through it is useful in life. Through blogging, I am able to understand social media on a much deeper level. I am able to look at content and see the message that they are trying to get across. I can look at it and figure out the target audience or the method that they are trying to us. Blogging has helped me to understand companies' goals and help with my decision making skills along with my time management skills.
TWO//Blogging helps to foster connections with people. I know the target audience that I am writing for. It is college aged students and students looking at colleges. Yes, my mom and dad also read my blog. Especially through the blogging program here at SMC, I have been able to foster relationships with other bloggers. We write about pretty much the same thing, but they are the people that I turn to if I need advice and encouragement. I never thought that my blog would connect me to some pretty awesome people that share my same love and passion of blogging. (Wanna check out these awesome human beings? Click this link HERE to see what they are doing!)
THREE// Blogging has helped me to understand how the Internet works. The Internet is a magical place, my friends. Even though I spend far too many hours on it everyday, before I started blogging I literally had no idea how it actually worked. Before blogging, I just thought things existed on the Internet. I knew that people had to create content, I just had no idea how it was done. I have come to know now how websites work and operate. How they once start from a series of numbers, letters and characters on a page to create something wonderful when you are putting off writing a paper. Now I have the ability to look at other websites and understand the way that they came to be. Granted, I still have much much much more to learn, but I have definitely progressed over the years.
FOUR// Blogging has helped me to become a better writer. I tend to think that I am a pretty good writer. I think I am much better t creative pieces rather than research pieces, but that is besides the point. But making that decision is not up to me. It is up to the people that read the things that I post. Sometimes, just for kicks, I will go back and look at my very first posts. Holy goodness. Let's just say that the content is much more interesting now and my posts are much better written. I like criticism. I can take it. It helps me become better at what I do. I like when people tell me they liked a certain post or if they really didn't like one. It helps me to refine my skills. Practice makes perfect.
FIVE// Blogging has taught me that all you need is a little spark to start a wildfire. I love blogging, but sometimes it is nearly impossible to write. There are some days when I can churn out five or six posts and others when it seems like an impossible feat to just write one. All you need is a tag line or a simple idea to light the spark, once you have lit a spark, the flames just start to pour out.
SIX// Blogging has taught me to not wait for opportunities. One thing that I love about bloggers is that they all came from the same place. They all saw an opportunity and took it. All you have to do is create a name and a page and you're off. Blogging can catapult you in whatever direction you want to take your life.
Blogging has completely changed my life. At times it can be a challenge, but its a challenge that I truly enjoy and love doing. Try it. Start a blog and see what happens. If you don't want people to read it, write down your thoughts in a journal so if one day, you think blogging is what you want to do, you already have perfect content.
Blogging has made me appreciate the little things in life. Every view and every comment makes me so excited with the content that I am able to share. As this year comes to a close, I look back and see how much I have evolved through this lovely world of blogging.
P.S.- We've been in the midst of blizzard-like conditions for what feels like an eternity, but it has only really been like 2 days. That being said, SMC is honestly the prettiest campus in the snow. Even though it is pretty all year round, the snow makes it even better. Also last night was Christmas dinner which is one of my favorite meals in Alliot. The best part? S'mores pizza!
This is what my walk to class looked like this morning. We basically are living in Narnia and I am totally ok with it.
Ahhhhhh!!! It was sooooo delicious!
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I totally apologize that I have not written in what seems like forever. Last week and this week have just seemed like a big jumble. It is all going by way to fast. I am really trying to savor my last few weeks in VT before I am off on a crazy adventure that some like to call study abroad. It is hard to get work done when there are a million other things that you would rather be doing. Honestly, I could name dozens of things right now that I would rather do instead of homework.......sleep, eat, watch TV, paint my nails, go get coffee, talk to my friends.... you get the idea. The list could honestly go on and on. I find that to accomplish things that I absolutely have to get done, I need to eliminate the phrase "I don't feel like it" from my vocabulary. I need to completely forget how to form those 5 words into a sentence and erase all traces of it from my memory. It is a phrase that limits your potential.
Once you overcome that simple phrase, you can most likely find yourself trudging to the library to get all the work done that you need to get done. Personally, I am not a library person. I never have been, never will be. It is just way too quiet in there for more and I find that I am much more productive either in my own room, an academic building, or a computer lab in Bergeron (where I most often find myself). Whatever your study space may be, here are some essentials for those long nights of studying!
ONE// Coffee. I am a coffee drinker. I probably drink way more of it than I should, but I can't help it, I just really enjoy it. Coffee is good for those long nights in the library when you just need a little extra pep in your step. Caffeine can help keep you awake just so you aren't falling asleep on top of your books. But remember, a little caffeine goes a long way. Try not to drink too much to the point where it is physically impossible to sleep later on or to the point where you feel all jittery and shaky. That is not good! If coffee isn't your thing, opt for something else, like tea!
I love Starbucks, but there is not one that is really close to campus. Most days I either make coffee in my room, make a cup in Alliot or walk to Dunkin' Donuts. But if I am having a super big craving for Starbucks, I will treat myself every once in a while. My drink of choice is a Shaken Iced Tea Lemonade with Passion Tea! YUM!
TWO// Planner. I have mentioned my planner far too many times on this blog and you are probably like "Susanna, we get it. You like to use your planner." But I am totally serious, I love my planner. It is my saving grace half the time. If I don't write something down, chances are I am going to forget it. When I bring my planner with me to study, it just lets me know all the things I have to get done and when I have to finish them by. For more tips on how to use a planner correctly, look at one of my previous posts HERE.
THREE// Headphones. Now as I said earlier, I enjoy noise when it comes to studying. I like a little background music. It just helps to keep me focused. But you can't quite listen to music out loud in the middle of the library, so that is why headphones are a must.
FOUR// Chargers. Sometimes you think that you will be going to the library for an hour or so but then you realize that you are going to be there for a lot longer than you expected. Then your computer is at 2% and you have to pack all your stuff up, put on your coat and trudge through the freezing cold back to your room just to grab your charger. Eliminate that struggle and just bring it with you to begin with. This also goes with other electronics like your phone or iPod.
FIVE//Comfy clothes. Now this one is up for debate, but personally I hate doing work or studying in uncomfortable clothes. I like to study in sweatpants, fuzzy socks and a big sweatshirt. I feel like when I am comfortable I am able to get more work done. Other people may prefer to refer to the slogan "Look good, feel good". Whatever you choose, I find that comfort is a major factor. If you can take the focus off feeling uncomfortable, it will help you get more work done.
SIX// Snacks. I mean, you can't go wrong with snacks, right? (check out my other post about snacks HERE) If you are in the library, make sure your snack is "quiet". You are probably now thinking "what the heck is a quiet snack?". Well, a quiet snack is something that doesn't make a lot of noise when you eat it. Loud snacks include chips, super crunch apples, or super chewy items that make you chew loudly. Opt for things that are quiet because loud snacks could annoy the people around you. Snacks are always good though because they can give you a quick energy boost when you are working in the wee hours of the night.
I chose to do my multimedia term project on one of my favorite stops on Church Street called My Little Cupcake. Of course I had to get one! Red velvet is my all time favorite and it was the perfect mid afternoon pick me up that I needed!
Oh.... also don't forget your books :)
Good Luck and Love,
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What am I listening to?
**I've been OBSESSED with MisterWives recently. Check them out!
So it has been a little while since I have posted on this lovely thing of a blog. This past week was Thanksgiving, so I was a little too busy stuffing my face and enjoying the company of my family and friends to write. So, here I am now, back at school on a typical Monday. In class this morning we were given an article about these two old men who owned and worked on a farm. Even though they worked hard, they were so thankful to have each other and the farm. This got me thinking of the things that I am thankful for in my life. Over the past few years I have been blessed with many amazing experiences, so this is just my way of saying thanks.
St. Mike's// It seems only fitting to start with one of my favorite places in the entire world and a place that I have had so many amazing opportunities. When I am giving tours, I constantly get asked the question, "why did you choose SMC?" I answer the way that I normally do and then proceed on with the tour. But I am honestly so thankful that I ended up here at SMC. I think that if I were at a different school right now, I would not be as happy as I am.The opportunities that SMC has given me are something that I will cherish and remember forever.
gosh, freshman year seems like so long ago.
my clique.
Blogging & Tour Guiding// Two of the opportunities that I have been given through SMC and two of my favorite things in the world. I am eternally thankful for everyone that reads my blog posts every week. Looking at the numbers of how many people read my blog makes me the happiest person in the world. And giving tours is just amazing. First, when you come to give a tour, give Stephanie, the woman at the front desk, a big thank you. She deserves it so much for all the hard work she does. Plus she is literally the nicest human being in the entire world. But also a big thank you to all the kind words after tours. When you say something nice to us, it makes us all so happy and I am sure all the other tour guides can agree!
(PS- KnighChat tonight! Link HERE)
Summer Camp// If I didn't come to SMC, I don't think that I would have had the guts to pack up my things again and work at a summer camp. But I am honestly so thankful that I did. The people that I have met are honestly some of my best friends and some of my fondest memories come from spending my summers on the lake or in the woods. I have talked about my experiences many times, but I could honestly talk for days about it. I am just so thankful for camp because it has truly made me a better person.
some of my amazing girls.
the group of people that I had the honor of working with all summer.
Study Abroad// As you may, or may not know, I was recently accepted to spend spring semester in London (blog post about it coming soon). I am so excited, but also terribly nervous to go. I know that the experience will be something that I will never forget and I am thankful to SMC for giving me this opportunity.
Rugby// Obviously I have to add this one in there. Thanks to this amazing group of girls for being some of my best friends and for helping me find something that I am totally passionate about.
Our slideshow from the season. Check it out!
My favorite team. They are the most amazing group of girls in the entire world. I am so honored to be a part of something this magical.
15 as 1
Family & Friends// I'm thankful for my family. They have given me so much in life and there are honestly not enough words to say thank you. And to my friends, both old and new, who are able to keep me centered and balanced. Thanks for putting up with me because sometimes I am be quite a handful.
I love my family.
The twin.
my best friends at home always seem to balance out my weirdness.
Figgles loves me.
What are you thankful for?
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This semester is almost over...eeeekk!! Snow is currently falling down from the sky, it is freezing cold and the anticipation of Thanksgiving is really kicking in. But anyways.... the next few weeks will be very hectic for us all. Everyone has started thinking about the end of the semester and the finals that come with those last few weeks. I'm am not by any means telling you how to study, I am just going to give you some of my tips!
ONE// By far my number one tip is to bribe yourself. I will be the first to admit that I hate studying. it is probably one of my least favorite things to do. So when I really have something to get done, like writing a paper or studying for a large exam, I find that giving myself incentives often helps to keep my motivation up. Normally they are things like a 10 minute break, a latte from Einstein's or maybe even a nap. I know a lot of people that also use the gummy bear system for when they have a lot of reading to get through. Place a gummy bear (or any other delicious candy) at different places throughout the text. When you are done reading a certain section, you get to enjoy a delicious treat!
TWO// When in doubt, YouTube it. I love YouTube. Ask anyone. If I am in my room on my computer not doing homework, I am almost always on YouTube watching videos. If you are tired of reading the material in a book, check on YouTube to see if there is a lecture about the topic. It is a good way to get the same material in a new and exciting way. One of the channels that I use all the time are Crash Course which breaks things up into mini lectures that are normally 15 minutes or less. I also really like MinutePhysicsand TED-Ed. Those two are more lecture based but really make you think and can help give you topics for papers if you find yourself struggling with that.
Crash Course has cool videos like this one. There are tons of them that cover all different topics!
THREE// I get distracted so easily. So tip number three is to stop the social media. I know, social media such as Twitter and Facebook and distract you very easily. They always distract me. But guess what? Some pretty clever people invented this pretty spiffy thing called internet blocking apps that help to keep you off of those sites while you are trying to study. Two that I know of are Self Control (which is for Macs) and Cold Turkey (which is for PCs). I know that Twitter and Facebook can be oh-so-fun but also oh-so-distracting when trying to get a lot of work done. These apps make it so that you can't even open the browser page. No more distractions!
THREE// Book pages and notebook pages can get really boring after a while. So add some color to your studying! You can do this many different ways. One of my favorite things to do is rewrite my notes. I write my original notes in one color, like red, then add other colors to represent material out of the book or my own thoughts. I also really like highlighting when I am reading a book for class. Studies have shown that adding color can dramatically change your mood and help to make studying a more positive experience. It also helps to add some sort of visual element to studying. This can mean adding in a picture or drawing a diagram. A visual or change of color can help keep you motivated to break up all of the small print words or single colors.
When you are studying, rewrite your notes in a creative way. Whether you draw pictures, diagrams or color code things, this will help you to retain the information a lot better. [via]
FIVE// I am not really musically inclined, but if you are, put your notes to music! I mean, I can almost always remember song lyrics more than I can remember about what I just read in a textbook, so why not put that talent to good use? It is pretty easy. All you have to do is think of a basic tune or your favorite song and then just change the words to fit what you are studying for. You may not be the next Beyonce, but you will feel more prepared for your exam!
SIX// Take advantage of any opportunity. If a professor gives you a study guide, use it. Don't just brush it off saying that it is extra work. It will help you. If your professor is organizing a study group but all of your friends want to go downtown, go to the study group. Most of the time professors will give you inside information about what is on the exam, help answer your questions or even give you extra credit points just for showing up. Trust me, you will have time to go downtown once you are done with your finals!
Good luck everyone!
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So Friday is swiftly coming to a close. Like soon. But ya know, gotta do what ya gotta do I suppose. Typical Friday Favorites coming at ya. Here are some things that I have been loving this week.
ONE// This version of Jealous by Nick Jonas. I will be the first person to admit that in the awkward middle school days I was completely obsessive over the Jonas Brothers. Like I'm totally not kidding. It was a scary obsession. I (thankfully) grew out of that phase, but I mean, come on, have you seen Nick Jonas lately?! He's just so darn beautiful! But anywho. I heard this version of the song and I totally fell in love. Check it out below!!
TWO//Snow! Yes, it has finally entered into winter here at SMC even though winter doesn't technically start for another month or so. We got some snow last night, and by snow I mean a dusting that was practically gone by the time I stepped out the door to go to class, but hey, snow is snow right? It makes me super excited for Christmas time (AKA my favorite time of year). I cannot wait for the Christmas lights on the library lawn trees!
THREE//Tours. I have been giving a TON of tours lately. There is just something about them that instantly puts me in an amazing mood. Today I had people on my tour tell me that it was fantastic and it really just makes me want to cry because it is so kind. I believe that if you truly love what you do then it isn't work and that is how I feel about tour guiding and blogging. PS- shout out to everyone who read my last blog post (SMC Truths read it HERE) it currently has over 150 views which is INSANE. So thank you to everyone because you are all amazing!
FOUR// Yes, another music pick. But seriously, if you have not listened to Hozier you need to stop what you are doing immediately and listen to him. Holy guacamole. I'm obsessed. It is the type of music that will instantly put you in a better mood and his voice is just heavenly. My favorites have to be Jackie & Wilson and Someone New.
FIVE// Holiday drinks. 'Tis the season to be basic and freak out over the red cups at Starbucks. I love Starbucks, I really do but there is not one in walking distance from campus so I find myself going to Dunkin Donuts quite often. Tonight I tried the sugar cookie coffee and it was surprisingly good. I am really interested to try the snickerdoodle one and my favorite salted caramel hot chocolate is back so that makes me one happy lady! (PS- they also have cronuts at DD which I am really interested to try out. How are they? Lemme know if you have tried them!)
If this doesn't put you in the Holiday spirit than I don't know what will!
So there we have it, all of my wonderful favorites for this week (and last week....I think).
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For a little Tuesday night blog lovin', here is a quick little post for your viewing entertainment.
As a student at Saint Mike's there are things that are just the truth. They are things that no one has to tell you is true, you just know it. So for all you students that may be interested in SMC, here are somethings that you are just going to have to accept!
1. You must hold the door open for anyone within a 10 foot radius. Everyone holds the door for everyone. No questions asked. Just do it. It shows how much we actually love each other if we hold doors for strangers.
but, yeah.
2. You must go to weekend brunch. Basically the best meal of the entire week. The only excuse is if you are home or have a sporting event to play in. That is it. This also goes for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.
Brunch, Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Dinner are by far the best meals in Alliot.
3. The library or chapel are good points of reference. If someone ever asks you where something is and you can clearly tell that they have no clue where the heck they are going, use either the chapel or library as a guide. They are both main focal points on campus and pretty distinguishable from other buildings, thus making them great points of reference for lost visitors.
When people are totally freaked out that they are lost on campus, simply direct them to where they need to go using the Chapel or Library as a point of reference.
4. The best picture of the mountains is at the view. Hands down the best place for your typical Vermont mountain picture. Also a great spot for photo shoots with your friends.
you betta weeerrrkkk
5. Whenever you need to write the word "night" you will constantly find yourself writing Knight. I promise you, this happens all the time whether you admit it or not.
The feeling you get when you realize that you have handed in a massive paper and you used the wrong form of night. BRB while I sob for all of eternity.
6. P-Day is a holiday. Accept it.
this truth dates waaayyy past the 90's.
7. When an event offers free food, that means it is either Leonardo's, Wings Over or Alliot. Take your chances and plan accordingly.
But it is free food so, I mean, come on. You can't let it go to waste, now can you?
8. AL-EE-OH. That is all. One must never, and I repeat, NEVER, pronounce the silent T at the end of Alliot.
My face when someone pronounces Alliot, AL-EE-OT (I'm looking at you dad.)
9. If you think hot dog day is better than chicken patty day then your whole life is a lie. Never trust a hot dog-er over a chicken patty-er.
10. Squirrels are not afraid of you. But seriously. They will stand in the walkway until the moment when you are basically standing on top of them. They will also eat food right out of your hand if you offer it generously.
11. During finals and midterms, claim your study spaces early. If you are looking for a space in the library, Dion or the academic buildings, claim them as early as possible. If you don't, there is a very high possibility that you won't get your favorite seat by the window or your favorite classroom with a rolly chair.
When you are in your favorite place, finals and midterms can look a little something like this. Be sure to claim your spot early.
12. The workers in Alliot are the best people ever. I mean come on. How can you not like Abid, Anne or Senadina or even Rosemary. They are all so fully of personality and if you crack a few jokes to them you will most likely make them love you forever which means Lucky Charms even when they aren't out. Also, being on Rosemary's good side is everyone's goal, but only few accomplish it.
"Well hello Rosemary. You are looking beautiful today. Did you do something to your hair?"
Gosh, there were just too many to pick from, but these are by far my favorites. Maybe another one of these will be up soon? Who knows?! As for now, enjoy!
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Figuring out healthy eating habits during the school year can often be difficult. As the work load starts to pick up during the end of the semester, eating healthy tends to be the absolute last thing on your mind. Here are some of my favorite snacks to keep close by if I need a mid-afternoon pick me up or a late night snack!
ONE// Fruit. I love fruit. Berries are by far my favorite, but I also love a big crunchy apple or a perfectly ripe plum. Fruit is a quick snack to grab on the run and it is really filling and good for you! Next time you are in Alliot, grab a few extra bananas or a couple apples on your way out to munch on when you are spending a late night studying!
TWO// Trail Mix. I love trail mix but I am really picky about it. Personally, I cannot eat tree nuts, so I tend to stay away from trail mix with nuts in it. I opt for the dried fruit blend or granola. They are a super quick energy booster when I find my eyelids slowly closing after looking at a computer screen for hours on end. My tip is to buy this in bulk. The Costco sized trail mix is often cheaper and gives you a lot more for your money (plus it is delicious!).
THREE// Popcorn. This has been my recent obsession. One of my suite mate's mom makes AMAZING popcorn, and she has given us a huge bag of it a few times. We literally demolished it. Slightly salted popcorn is prefect for a movie night with your friends or a quick snack when you are craving something salty and crunchy. My favorite pick for pre-popped popcorn is the Buddha Bowl Himalayan Pink Popcorn. It is all natural and made with coconut oil, so there is a slight coconut taste too. It is lightly salted and totally delicious! Plus it is all organic and gluten free and comes in a massive bag to keep your tummy satisfied for a few weeks!
FOUR// Peanut Butter. I love peanut butter. It is the perfect blend of salty and sweet and really versatile! It is perfect for whipping up a quick PB&J for a lunch on the go or to slather onto a banana for that little boost of protein in your mid-morning snack. Skippy is my peanut butter of choice!
FIVE// Granola bars. Granola bars should be a staple in every dorm room. They are perfect for a breakfast on the go or a quick afternoon snack. I really enjoy Luna Bars and Cliff Bars (they just came out with new seasonal flavors like pumpkin pie and gingerbread!) Look for ones that are low in calories but have a high protein content to keep you fuller, longer.
I am dying to try the peppermint stink one! Anything peppermint I adore!
SIX// Hummus. I adore hummus. My favorites are probably the garlic or the fire roasted pepper kinds. It is great for dipping veggies or for a yummy spread on a sandwich. Plus, it has a ton of protein so a little goes a long way!
SEVEN// Cheese sticks. I love cheese and I will be the first to admit it. I often find that if I have a large block of cheese in the fridge, I will most likely eat more of it in one sitting than I am supposed to. This is why I opt for the pre-packaged cheese sticks. I know exactly the perfect quantity to eat with them and plus it gives me a little bit of calcium throughout the day (because I am really not a fan of milk).
EIGHT// Veggies. Veggies are always good to keep in the fridge whether it be cucumbers, peppers or baby carrots. When you find yourself craving the crunchiness of chips, opt for a handful of veggies. Plus you can eat more of them without all the guilt and they are a lot better for you! You can also pair them with hummus or guacamole for a fool proof and filling snack!
NINE//Seltzer Water. I am a Diet Coke addict. I just love Diet Coke, but it really is not the best thing for you. So when I find myself craving a bubbly drink, I will often reach for Seltzer water. Often times when we think we are hungry, it is just our body telling us that we are thirsty. During busy weeks I find that I neglect drinking water even though it is really important. Whether you like your seltzer water flavored, plain or mixed with a little juice (cranberry juice and seltzer is my favorite) it is always a good thing to keep on hand!
Polar has been coming out with some crazy flavors recently! I think the candy cane and granny smith apple ones would be good. I am not sure if I would like the eggnog one though!
TEN// Cereal. Cereal is always good to keep on hand. While you may be drawn towards Coco Puffs or Lucky Charms, try to stay away. Look for cereals that are sweet but also high in fiber to keep you fuller, longer. Cereal is perfect to throw in a bag and munch on you way to class or to sprinkle on top of yogurt for a delicious breakfast.
So next time you are at the grocery store looking for snacks to keep on hand, try to pick some of these up. Not only will they help satisfy any cravings, but they are also healthy too!
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It is tough to be happy all the time. Even the happiest of people have their bad days or get into a bad mood funk for a little bit. Some days can seem like the pretty typical "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed days" while others might feel like you are jumping off of Mt. Crap into the Desert of Doom. Either way, it happens to all of us. We get stressed beneath piles of work and nothing can seem to take us out of it. We all have bad days. I know that I definitely do.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it means that Christmas (my favorite holiday) and Black Friday (my favorite day) are right around the corner. I love Black Friday because I get to spend the day with my mom (hey mom!) and I get to buy gifts for people. There is something in doing a kind act for someone that instantly makes me happy. I have channeled that energy of that day into my life when I feel like I am in a funk. I realized that I can instantly boost my mood by doing something nice for someone else. Kindness can change a lot in our world. For strangers. For people you have a personal connection with. You can instantly become happier by going out of your way to do something nice for someone else.
We often get so consumed in our bad days that we forget to notice the good that we can do in the place that we live. Random acts of kindness don't have to be crazy, outlandish acts, just little things to tell people that you care. Here are some of my favorites on a college campus!
ONE// Smile. This one is soooooo simple and often people forget that a smile can go a long way. I learned in my sociology class this semester about this thing called ethnomethodology. It is basically a way of understanding the way that people make sense of the world by noticing their experiences in their day-to-day life. Have you ever noticed that you put your head down to avoid eye contact with strangers? Next time try sharing a smile and eye contact with a stranger. You will get the instant feeling of happiness and they will feel it as well.
I took this picture of my friend Duff at our rugby game this past weekend. I adore how happy she looks in this picture and it just makes me so happy!
TWO// Buy someone coffee. The line at Einstein's or Cafe Cheray can often get long. So ask the person behind you their order and say that you have got it covered. If you have ever had anyone buy coffee for you, you know how it can instantly change your mood. So return the favor. Not only does it make you feel good, but it will also boost the mood of a stranger.
This picture is from last year when I opened the top of my latte at Dunkin Donuts to cool it off. I found this adorable heart and my day was instantly made. I <3 DD.
THREE// Offer someone your seat. The library and Dion can often get crowded. I have a ton of friends that have "their seat" in these places. But often times you can see the stressed out faces of students during crunch time when they are tirelessly looking for a seat to study. We often get so attached to our "seats" that we forget to notice that the act of giving them up is such an easy way to help a person out. Doing this will likely make a person's day.
FOUR// Hold open a door. This one happens all the time on campus and it is something that I am entirely thankful for. People will often go out of their way to open and hold doors for strangers around campus. If you have ever had your hands full and tried to open a door you know how frustrating it can get. Having a stranger run across the room to open a door for you can instantly make you feel better. So do it for someone else to return their favor.
No matter how you choose to spread the love, there is no better time to do it then when you are feeling down in the dumps. On those days, being kind to others may seem like the absolute last thing that you want to do, but not only will it boost your mood but it will impact the person on the receiving end in a positive way as well. So make your day better by helping someone else out as well!
PS- We are competing in NATIONALS this weekend at Rutgers University in NJ. If you are in the area, feel free to stop by! Our game is at 5 (maybe 5:30), so come on down!
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What am I listening to???
(im OBSESSED with Hozier. Trust me, he will be in a favorites post soon.)
With 4 classes, we get a lot of syllabi. Most of time we get them the first week of classes, otherwise known as syllabus week. I love syllabus'. They save my life more times than I can count. Sadly, a lot of students don't get all the benefits from a syllabus because they don't know how to correctly read them.
I know that the semester is coming to a close soon (eeeekkk!!), but hopefully this will help in the following weeks along with the semesters to come! Here are some of my tips!
ONE// Use it to finish projects early. As a media studies major, my life is consumed with projects. When your semester is jam packed, it is really useful to get started (and finished) with things early. Towards the end of the semester all of my classes pile up. Typically, I will have at least one major thing due for each class at the end of the semester. This two week period is actually the worst, but there are ways to avoid it and utilizing your syllabus is one of them! Find projects that you can finish early on weeks when you don't really have that much work so when it comes to the end of the semester you have less on your plate!
TWO// Schedule your life. A syllabus is not just used to tell you what you will be doing in class that semester. They are given to you to kind of give you a heads up on how much time you will need to commit to that class during the semester. Your whole college career isn't all about school, but it plays a major part. Prep your semester by using your syllabus!
THREE//Don't just use the syllabus for important dates, use a planner too! I love planners, you know that. (I wrote a post about how I organize my life. Check it out HERE) When reading the syllabus, make sure you have your planner handy to write down when important assignments are due. I am the first one to admit that I lose things sometimes. By writing down important dates in my planner I am covered if I lose my syllabus.
FOUR//Create to-do lists from it! This is my normal task on Sunday. I sit down and look at my syllabus for each class and make a list of all the things that I need to do that week. It helps to prepare me for the week so I know what I have to do and when. Sometimes I will do it for two weeks at a time. One week may be busy while the other may be a little slower. If that happens, I normally plan ahead and get other things done (see number 1!). When I complete something on my syllabus, I either will highlight it or cross it off. It makes it easier to quickly look at when I have too!
I hope this helps when you feel a little stressed. A syllabus for a class is literally my best friend and I treat it like one! Professors often spend a lot of time creating them, so take good care to them and use them. I promise, you won't be disappointed!
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I have mentioned in a previous post that I adore my Photo Journalism class. This class is by far one of my favorite classes this semester. As an MJD major, I am required to take it, but honestly I would have loved to take it even if I was not in this major. This class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:45-10:50 with Professor Swope. First off, I love Professor Swope. Photo Journalism is what he is truly passionate about and it shows through this class. He really knows what he is talking about and he is super personable at the same time. He is by far one of my favorite Professors in the MJD department (but I love all of them so....yeah.).
I took this picture one weekend when I was just fooling around with the camera.
At first I thought that this class was going to be easy. I mean, how hard is it to take a picture. FALSE. This class is actually pretty difficult. It teaches you a lot not only in the technical aspects of photo journalism but also more personal aspects. It teaches you a lot about yourself and your comfort zones along with your ability to manage your time. The great thing about the class is that they give you an amazing camera to use throughout the semester to complete your assignments.
Each week we have an assignment due (except for larger assignments that require more time). Our first assignment was probably the hardest assignment for me. It is the infamous Breaking the Ice assignment where essentially you walk up to random strangers and ask them if you can take their picture. How hard can it be right? Holy goodness, it was terrifying. I always thought that I was ok in situations where I had to talk to strangers but boy was I wrong. I was terrified the entire way through this assignment. I finished it though which was such a relief. Even though it was really hard, I was pleased with the outcome and it felt really good to know that I had accomplished it.
Each week the assignments differ. They have been anything from a perspective assignment to action sports to honest emotion. I have enjoyed every single assignment that I have done so far. Most of the time is doesn't even feel like work because I like it so much. Here are some of the pictures that I was able to take this semester!
I took this picture for my Sports Action picture assignment. This was at the Women's Soccer game against SNHU.
I took this picture for my Sports Action picture assignment. This was at the Women's Soccer game against SNHU.
Currently for this class we are starting to get into Multimedia. Our current assignment is to cover an event and take sound and audio clips to create a picture slide show. I am really excited about this assignment because I love using the programs that are necessary to complete this. I am really looking forward towards the rest of the semester in this class!
PS! I almost forgot! Yesterday I was officially accepted to study abroad in London, England for Spring semester! I am extremely excited and I will definitely be posting more about it soon!
PPS! There is also the first KnightChat of the semester on Tuesday October 28th! Be sure to check it out HERE
I have gotten a few requests to write more about the college application process. You can see my previous post about the college application process HERE. But for now, I am writing more in depth about the college essay. This essay is unlike any other essay you have ever written. It is not a research paper, a book report or a lab report. You don't have goals outlined clearly and there is no analysis that is needed to be done.
Your college essay is not a resume, you have already written one of those. It is a story about something that matters to you and how it impacts your life.
ONE// To have a good essay, you don't have to write about the most exciting or the most tragic thing that has ever happened to you. While some people do have super exciting things that have happened to them, don't stress if you have nothing. Some of the best essays are the weird ones. Did you scoop ice cream all summer and learn that some are harder to scoop than others? Did you once wear two different shoes to school? Did you once sleep all day and didn't move? Did you work at an ice cream shop all summer and learn that chocolate ice cream is the hardest to scoop? If so, write about them! These interesting stories will stick with admissions officers so they can tell you apart from all the other candidates.
TWO// Brag, but not too much. I hate to promote myself and I hate to tell about my accomplishments to others because I often feel as though I am bragging or being too forward. Others love to tell people about themselves and how they are the best people in the world. Bragging is good, but in moderation. A few points here and there are perfect, but if your whole essay is just an explanation as to why any college would be lucky to have you, then you may need to rework somethings.
THREE// Focus on the characters. Think about it as a movie. Good movies are exciting not just because the premise is cool but because the characters totally rock. You should obviously be the main character in your story because it is from your point of view. Don't downplay your role in the story because it is not about the premise of the story that matters, it is all about your growth and what you have learned. It is not about the action that took place (see number two) but about how that action has affected you. Have a strong voice in your writing because readers want to be able to get inside your head a bit and know more about you.
FOUR// Proof-reading is super important and something that I often forget to do. When you write your essay, you want the person reading it to be completely engulfed in what you have written. When do don't fix typos it is like putting a big blinking red light right in the middle of your paper. It is not that the reader can't read or understand your essay, it's that you are ruining the experience. Typos can often be distracting. This is also true for grammatical errors and weird wordings of sentences. Check for these things by reading your essay out loud. If you find that you have to stop to reread a certain section, you may need to fix it.
FIVE// Understand who is reading your paper. Getting a 5 year old to read a college level research paper and understand it will be an impossible task. There are too many things that they will not understand. Don't write about something so specific that your reader cannot relate too. If, while writing it, you have to take extra care in what you are saying, then maybe you should pick a different topic. It is better to pick a topic that is easy to relate to rather than to convey the message that you don't know how to properly write to the audience that is going to be reading it.
Your essay should be about you and how you have changed based on an event. Don't make it preachy, make it fun and inviting. A good essay will help you to stand out from all the others!
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What am I listening to?
Jim is one of my good friends and an amazing musician! Be sure to check out Beach Talk HERE. His third EP is coming out November 1st so be sure to spread the love!
I thought that today I would just do a little lighthearted quick post about things that I am currently loving. These past few weeks have been insane with midterms so it feels like this is the first time in a while that I have actually had time to myself to breathe a bit.
ONE// This video has been shared on the Internet more times than I can count. I have seen it on nearly all of my social media platforms. People just can't get enough of it. It is so funny and these kids are literally adorable. See what happens when second graders try a $220 7-course meal.
TWO// My classes. Although this semester has definitely been my hardest schedule work-wise, I am really loving it. At SMC we take 4 classes a semester for 4 credits each. Doesn't seem like a lot, but trust me, I am constantly doing work, completing a project or studying for an exam. This semester I am taking: Photo Journalism: This is a required class for MJD and probably one of my favorite media classes ever. They give us a really nice camera for the duration of the semester to complete our assignments. Assignments range from portraits of strangers to sports action shots. Ethics: This is my upper level philosophy class. It is a really interesting class and makes you think critically about life. Plus I really like my professor! Early Latin America: This class fulfills my history LSR (Liberal Arts Requirement). The material is really interesting and Professor Dungy is really nice. Race and Ethnic Relations: I LOVE this class. It is so interesting and Professor Bhave is literally amazing. I would suggest this class to anyone!
THREE// Rugby. You knew that this had to be on my life somewhere! This season has been amazing. We are currently 5-0 and going into our biggest game of the season this weekend against Stonehill. All of the girls have been working really hard and it has been great to be a part of this semester. I am really excited for the last few weeks of the season.
line out from our game yesterday against Holy Cross. We won 53-5!
FOUR// Fall weather. Over the past 3(ish) days, the weather has gone from summer to fall. Earlier last week it was about 75 degrees and currently it is around 46. No complaints here though! I was more than excited to break out the boots today. Fall is my favorite season so I have been really excited about the colder weather!
Candice, Pointy, Q and I went to Shelburne Museum on Friday on our day off. I had never been there before so it was nice to experience it while spending time with some good friends! (photo taken by Candice)
This puppy loves fall too!
FIVE//Chai tea. This has been my go to hot drink this season. I never really liked chai tea before I got to college but now I just cannot get enough of this stuff. All I do is add a little sugar and a little milk and you have a perfect warm drink.
SIX// I have always loved New York City. It is only about an hour or so from my house and it has always been a place that I have admired. Earlier last week I stumbled upon this website that highlighted beautiful images and GIFs of the city. The pictures are magical and the GIFs have the ability to show a fast moving city in what seems like slow motion. Check out the website HERE
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