I am sort of a morning person. I say sort of because while I complain about having to get up early for classes, it really isn't that bad once I realize that I have the rest of my day to do whatever I want to do. As I mentioned early, my schedule this semester is pretty sweet.
Monday and Wednesday I only have one class from 8AM- 9:35AM. So essentially, I am finished with my classes for the day before some people even start. I think it is pretty cool. That class is called Deviance, Norms and Social Control. It is a sociology class and I find it really interesting. Now the major question I get is "what do I do with the rest of my day?" Well, I have rugby practice in the morning of both Monday and Wednesday from 6:15-7:45. After that I go to class. On Monday after class, I will rush to Alliot to get a quick breakfast then run to my room to grab a quick shower. I then will race over to Hoehl to give my weekly tour at 10:30. (schedule a tour HERE). After my tour, I will probably get some homework done, maybe take a nap and do what ever else I want to do. Its pretty nice.
Tuesday and Thursday are my busy days. I have class from 8:00-9:35. That class is Communication for Social Good and so far I am really enjoying it. After that I have an hour and a half break to finish homework and get some food before my back to back classes in the afternoon. At 11:30, I have my Reporting for Media class and right after that I have my Race, Gender and Ethnicity in Media class. My race, gender and ethnicity class is by far my favorite. I really enjoy it.
So far, the semester has been great, even though it is only the first week. I will update you on it more later!
Ta ta for now!
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It is really nice to be back at school with full of fun and learning. The regular morning classes are simply awesome in the pleasant weather.It has an advantage of making a person habitual of getting up early in the morning.